Dart Apprentice Fundamentals

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
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Learn to Program in Dart!
Dart is the language you use to write cross-platform applications in Flutter. You're not limited to Flutter, though. You can also use Dart to write command-line and backend server applications. The official documentation is great, but it doesn't go into the depth or provide all the examples that a book can.

Dart Apprentice: Fundamentals is here to help by systematically teaching you the essential elements of programming using the Dart language.

Who This Book is For
Dart Apprentice: Fundamentals is for anyone who wants to learn the Dart programming language, even if this is their first language and they know nothing at all about coding.

Topics Covered in Dart Apprentice: Fundamentals
Expressions: Using math and logic to calculate a value.
Variables and Constants: Storing values for future use.
Data types: Categorizing the kind of information a variable can hold.
Control Flow: Making decisions based on values.
Strings: Working with text.
Loops: Repeating a task multiple times.
Functions: Grouping a few lines of code to run later.
Classes: Packaging related data and functions together.
Nullability: Avoiding crashing when nothing is there.
Collections: Grouping data into lists, sets and maps.
One thing you can count on: After reading this book, you'll have a solid foundation in programming generally and the Dart language in particular.

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