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Basit bir web scripti ile Bruteforce HERHANGİ BİR Hediye Kartı
Örnek olarak Just Eat'i ele alalım
Oluşturulacak hediye kartı türünü/aralığını değiştirin (alfasayısal/yalnızca sayı/yalnızca harf).
Olası girişin maksimum uzunluğunu değiştirin.
Daha sonra değişken adlarını almak için öğenin giriş kutusunu ve gönder düğmesini inceleyin.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.
Let's take Just Eat as example
Change the giftcard type/range to generate (alphanumeric/number only/letter only).
Change the max length of the possible input.
Then inspect element the input box and the submit button to get the variable names.