.NET in Action 2024

Golden Member
May 24, 2024
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Learn to build standout line-of-business applications using Microsoft’s .NET Framework, the premier platform for enterprise business development.
.NET in Action, Second Edition presents the big picture of .NET application development, introducing core concepts like:
- Designing applications to take full advantage of .NET 7
- Integrating the latest C# and .NET features
- Building web services and applications with ASP.NET Core and Blazor
- Working with data in files, and remote services, and databases via Entity Framework Core
- Verifying code with unit and integration tests
- Make applications ready for internationalization
- Benchmarking and analyzing application performance
- Building cross-platform applications for web, mobile, and desktop with MAUI

.NET in Action, Second Edition offers a clear-headed introduction to implementing full-featured, cross-platform professional applications on the Microsoft .NET platform. It’s written by Dustin Metzgar, an industry veteran who helped develop both the original .NET Framework and .NET Core. Based on the bestselling .NET Core in Action, this new edition has been completely rewritten and updated to .NET 7.

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