Here is some Detailed answers .
1. Are Openbullet, account cracking, account takeover, and brute force attacks the same or separately? So is it done separately?
- openbullet can run multible threads of attack at the same time ( multi thread ) up to 200 threads .
2. What should be created and what do we need for Openbullet account breaking, account takeover or brute force attack?
- you need
* computer with internet connection .
* a config file for ( openbullet / silverbullet ) for the site you try to brute its logins .
* combo list , is the list whcih contains the login inflammations you need to brute forcing with openbullet most likely ( username / password ) or ( email / password ) list .
* proxy list ( optional ) if the site you Brutefocring do not ban or flag the attackintg ip address then no proxy list is needed .
3.Are Config and Combolist the same thing? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM?
-No not the same ,
* config is the softwares ( openbullet / silverbullet/ .... ) configuration file , which is a piece of code made by a developer separately for each website and for each softwares .
* the combolist is the list of ( usernames & passwords ) you want check for the login page on the target website .
4.Can I use netflix's and s. config and combolist to perform a brute force attack on facebook password, for example, using Openbullet?
-No way , you can't use the same config file to brutefocing another website than the site the config file was coded for . but you can use the same combo list for many differant sites .
5. How can facebook brute force be performed using Openbullet?
-you should read more about how to build a configrtion files for openbullet or you can search for free one or find a config file developer who will code it according to your needs.
totourial :
config sellers :
Configs - Sellers
6.What are the differences between Openbullet and SilverBullet tools?
both are not much differant softwares they both do the same job , but SilverBullet is a more advanced version with additional features such as a user-friendly interface and improved stability and performance .
hope that helps .