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Nov 19, 2023
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Discover the main features that made this WordPress SMS Plugin one of the most advanced!
  • Advanced Send SMS page
    There are numerous options on this page for sending SMS. The Send SMS page lets you send SMS and MMS to subscribers, WordPress users, WordPress Roles, and special mobile numbers.
  • Scheduled & Repeating SMS
    Advanced SMS scheduling & repeating options on the Send SMS page.
  • SMS Newsletter
    A newsletter form that is displayed on the site then users can subscribe to the SMS newsletter, and you can send SMS to them.
  • Login & Register with SMS
    Logging in and registering on your website is now as easy as sending a text message! Users can log in using their mobile numbers and a one-time code sent via SMS. If their mobile number isn't registered, they can create an account during the login process.
  • Outbox SMS page
    All SMS messages are stored in WP-SMS, and you can have an archive of them. There is some option for re-sending, deleting and searching messages.
  • Inbox SMS page
    Receive SMS messages from your subscribers or clients using the WP-SMS Two Way add-on, which allows you to enable incoming messages on the inbox page.
  • Unlimited International SMS
    No limitations on sending International SMS via WP-SMS around the world.
  • Manage Subscribers
    You can manage newsletter subscribers and create groupings for them.
  • Bitly Short URL
    There is a feature that reverts some URL variables such as {order_url} to make the length of the message shorter.
  • Abandoned Cart SMS
    WooCommerce Abandoned Cart SMS notification is an ability to send an SMS to customers who add products to their basket but never complete them. A reminder will be sent to them to complete the purchase.
  • SMS Campaign & Marketing
    Best features for WooCommerce SMS Campaigns and Marketing, manageable SMS notifications, local shipping SMS notifications, etc.
  • 2-Factor Authentication SMS
    2FA is a security feature that provides an additional layer of protection to user accounts. It enables users to verify their identity by entering a One-Time Password (OTP) received via SMS or other methods, in addition to their username and password. This helps prevent unauthorized access to accounts and keeps them secure.
  • WooCommerce Mobile Verification & OTP
    You can Log in with Mobile in your WooCommerce My Account form and Mobile Verification during checkout. With these features, customers can efficiently and safely confirm their phone numbers and carry out transactions without any hassle.
  • Zapier Compatibility
    The process of delivering SMS notifications to your consumers based on triggers from more than 5,000 applications may be automated with integration with Zapier.
  • Webhook & Events
    We offer webhooks, allowing you to send SMS messages in response to events coming from other apps or services. As a result, you can easily include SMS notifications into your current workflows and procedures, giving both you and your clients a more simplified experience.
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