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August 19, 2023
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Hi, in this short tutorial I will explain how you can get OG discord Full Access accounts with old creation dates.
Depending on the creation date, these accounts can be worth 15$ per account so I'd say it's pretty profitable.

Step 1:
To get a discord account, and to also make it FA (full access) you NEED access to the email of the account, there is no way around it. For most accounts you nowadays even need email access just to login, so ye you need it 100%
This means you'll need mailaccess hits, that means hacked email accounts.
To get them you can either buy mailaccess combos / "corp" combos or you can also take free ones but they need to be fresh because else the discord accounts are already taken by other hackers. Alternatively if you have a lot of time
you can also check non-mailaccess combos for mailaccess yourself, you'll get few hits but these are often HQ.
-> To make it short - get mailaccess hits!

Step 2:
So there are now 2 ways. Both will result in the same - but depending on how many mailacces hits you got you wanna choose wisely.

Option 1 [If you have very few mailaccess hits]: Go to Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities, enter one of your email adresses that you hacked and then press "Forgot your password?" - if the email exists then it will say something like
"We sent a password reset link to <the email adress>. If the email is not registered to a discord account yet then you wanna try it with the next hacked email adress.
If it said "We sent a password reset link to <the email adress> then log into that hacked email, press the password reset link and change the account's password to your own password. That will automatically make you
logged into that account. You can check if it is OG or not, yk if it is worth something for you or not. If you want to make the account FA and pull it to your email continue with the next step.

Option 2 [If you have a lot of mailaccess hits]: (THIS ONLY MAKES SENSE IF THE MAILACCESS HITS ARE SOMEWHAT PRIVATE / NOT TOO RAPED): This is a bit harder but makes more good accounts in the end. You will need a mailaccess checker
that searches through the inbox, meaning it searches through the emails that are in the hacked email accounts. You can select "discord" as a keyword, and then the mailaccess checker will give you all email accounts that have
one or multiple emails from discord in them, aka the emails where a discord account is bound to.

Step 3:
Now that you are logged into the discord acc that you wanna make FA and you are logged into the email of the account, it is pretty simple:
-> Register a new email adress that you can move the account to - I recommend using rambler.ru emails since you can create unlimited of them without a phone number and they never get locked or shit.
-> Then in the discord account go to settings -> My Account -> Press the "Edit" button next to the email
-> Enter the code that it sent to the old email acc you hacked, enter your new email adress and boom!

CONGRATS!! You now got an OG discord full access account.
Keep in mind that users CAN pull their account back by contacting discord support, but that barely happens. It only happens in like 1/100 OG accounts.

If you are interested in selling the accounts here are some current market prices:

2015 Account: 15-20$
2016 Account: 6$
2017 Account: 4-5$
2018 Account: 2-3$

With this I am not saying you should have this exact pricing, I just want to give you an idea on how much discord FA accounts can be sold for atm (Oct 2022)

Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading,

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