Serious newish carder needing things

January 13, 2024
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hi bro im trying to sift through he crap all over the internet to find real people who can actually do what they claim to be able to do. Im pretty sure that you are the real deal not just a gum bumper Im looking for a basic step by step way of ordering and using the tools. Ive got all the things that i think i need but don't want to be wasting my time throwing money away when im supposed to be making it. Am i right that if i put the proper tools in place and follow the so called formula that i will be successful in being able to order and receive goods purchased using the cc that ive got hold of. I no i sound like a bit green but ive been around this kind of business for a while and getting it all straight in my head before i try and make a go of it on my own. ill give you some of the first bit of earnings when im successful in making it work. I just need someone to run through the proper way to get this done straight no bullshit actually work im serious and clever enough to make this happen but ive got to start somewhere and ill be up and running. Thanks bro anyway for ya time if you get round to reading this nice 1 take it easy
February 12, 2025
Reaction score
Hey did you figure out out? They have tutorials on this site but I learned the most from carding Legends. Just look them up on the clearnet they are very informative and reputable.

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